877-311-5134: Scam Calls? Beware These 6 Tactics


You may have received a call from 877-311-5134 recently. If so, you’re not alone. This number has been reported to scam people out of money regularly. In this post, we’ll explore how to identify and avoid these scams.

Who is Behind the Calls?

1. The calls are coming from a number that seems to be associated with legitimate organizations, like your bank or credit card company.

2. The caller may say they’re with the organization and there’s been a mistake, or the person you talked to is out of town and needs your credit card number to complete a transaction.

3. The caller may try to trick you into giving away personal information, like your Social Security number or bank account number.

4. If you answer the phone, the caller may try to get you to agree to pay for services or goods you didn’t ask for or transfer money to an unknown person.

What to Expect When You Answer a Call from 877-311-5134

If you’re receiving calls from 877-311-5134, there’s a good chance you’re being scammed. Here are some of the most common scam tactics used by telemarketers:

1. Ovington & King is a legitimate company with a toll-free number that helps people resolve disputes. Don’t let yourself be swindled into thinking this is a real call from them.

2. The caller may try to convince you that your debt is huge and needs to be paid right away, or that they can help you negotiate a lower payment amount. Don’t let them pressure you into anything, and don’t give away any personal information unless you’re sure the caller is from Ovington & King.

3. The caller may try to get you to provide personal financial information such as your Social Security number or bank account number. If this happens, hang up and call 877-311-5134 for help instead.

If you see any of these signs in connection with a call from 877-311-5134, please don’t hesitate to report it to the FTC or your state consumer protection agency.

How to Protect Yourself From Scams

Scammers are always on the hunt for new victims. They know that many people are vulnerable to their scams, so they use different tactics to catch your attention. Here are some of the most common scam call techniques:

1. Scam artists will use high-pressure tactics to try and get you to make a quick decision. They’ll tell you that you need to act fast or your investment will be lost, or they’ll claim that there’s been a mistake and you need to pay immediately to avoid penalties.

2. Scam artists may use fake names or accents to sound more believable. They may even ask you questions about your personal life to gain information about you.

3. Scammers may try to trick you by disguising their voice or sending suspicious messages through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Be especially wary of messages from people you don’t know well, as these could be scams designed to extract information from you.

4. Finally, scam artists may use scare tactics, such as telling you that there’s a problem with your computer system or threatening legal action if money isn’t transferred quickly. Don’t let them intimidate or scare you into making a decision; stay calm and refuse to give away any personal information until you’ve had a chance to fully understand what’s happening.

What to Do If You Already Received a Call from 877-311-5134

If you have received a call from 877-311-5134, beware of these tactics:

1. The caller will ask for your personal information, such as your name, address, and phone number.

2. The caller may try to trick you into giving them this information by claiming that they are from a legitimate company or institution.

3. The caller may also try to trick you into paying them money by pretending to be from a debt collector or other organization. DON’T fall for it! If you think you’ve been scammed, report the call to your local police department or the National Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-877-FRAUD-1234.

What are scam calls?

Scam calls are phone calls that pose as being from legitimate organizations, such as banks or credit card companies, to trick the person receiving the call into providing personal information. Many of these scams use automated dialing systems that will disguise the call’s origin and make it difficult for the recipient to determine whether the call is legitimate or not.

To avoid becoming a victim of a scam call:

Be aware of automated dialing systems that disguise the caller’s origin. If you don’t recognize the number, don’t answer the phone! Report any suspicious calls to your telephone company immediately.

Some common scam call tactics include:

-Using high-pressure tactics to get people to invest in bogus products or services.
– persuading people to hand over personal information, like credit card numbers or bank account numbers. -Threatening people with legal action if they don’t cooperate.

The six common scam call tactics

1. The six common scam call tactics

If you’re getting suspicious calls, there are some techniques scammers use to try and get your attention. Here are six of the most common:

1. Legitimate businesses will often call to check on your account or ask for your opinion about new products. Don’t fall for these scams, though – if the caller sounds shady or aggressive, it’s probably a scam.

2. Scammers may pose as debt collectors or law enforcement officials to extract money from you. If someone is threatening you or demanding money immediately, it’s probably a scam.

3. Scammers may try to trick you by pretending to be someone you know (like a family member or friend). They may use familiar names and phrases in their call, to make you more likely to answer.

4. Scammers may use scare tactics in their calls – they may tell you that your account is blocked or that they’ll report your phone number to the authorities if you don’t pay them quickly. This could lead to big problems with your credit score and other financial obligations – don’t let them take advantage of you!

5. Finally, scammers may try to keep you on the phone by asking questions until you agree to do something – like send money right away, give them personal information, or make a purchase on behalf of the caller. Don’t let these con artists keep control of the conversation; hang up

How to identify a scam call

There are many different scams out there and it can be hard to tell the difference between a legitimate call and a scam call. Here are some signs that you may be receiving a scam call:

1. The person calling you is trying to pressure you into making a decision quickly.

2. The caller is asking for personal information, such as your bank account numbers or Social Security number.

3. The caller is offering you an unexpected opportunity, such as winning a prize or getting money off your next purchase.

4. The caller is trying to trick you into sharing confidential information, such as your password or PIN.

5. The caller is using an automated voice message system that sounds artificial or scripted.

What to do if you receive a scam call

If you receive a scam call, the best thing to do is to hang up and report the call to your phone company. Don’t answer any questions or give out personal information. If you can, document the call and where it took place. Scam calls often use incredibly convincing tactics to try and get you to answer questions or give away your personal information. Be careful not to fall for these tricks!

How to prevent scam calls from happening to you

If you’re one of the estimated 20 million Americans who receive scam calls every month, you may be wondering how to prevent them from happening to you. Here are five tips:

1. Learn your phone’s SCAM WARNINGS

One way to protect yourself is to know your phone’s SCAM WARNINGS. Many phones will ring with a warning before a call from someone pretending to be from your bank, credit card company, or other important organization. If you don’t recognize the number, don’t answer the call!

2. Don’t answer unknown numbers

Another way to protect yourself is to never answer unknown numbers. If it’s not someone you know, don’t pick up the phone! This can help reduce the chances of being scammed because scammers often target people they think will be more likely to fall for their tricks.

3. Use caller ID blocking services

Another way to reduce the chances of being scammed is to use caller ID blocking services. These services block unknown numbers from showing up on your screen when they call, which can help keep you safe from scams designed to capture your personal information. You can also adjust your settings so that only known contacts are allowed contact you through text or email messages as well.

4. Protect yourself with passwords and PINs

Another way to keep yourself safe is by using passwords and PINs for all of your accounts (online and off). This way if someone does get access to your

The Most Common Scam Calls

There are a few particularly common scams, and you need to be on the lookout for them. The first is the “419” scam. This is where someone pretends to be from the government or some other authority and threatens you with arrest or some other punishment if you don’t pay them money. They usually use very persuasive language, and sometimes they even trick you into giving them your bank details or other personal information.

Another popular scam is the “investment” scam. Somebody will say they have a great new investment opportunity that you can get involved in, but before you can do anything they want your money. They might even promise high returns overnight, but in reality, most of these schemes never deliver on their promises.

Finally, there are scams where people try to lure you into downloading viruses or malware onto your computer. These scams are often called “phishing” scams because people who perpetrate them try to look like legitimate websites or email addresses. But instead of providing valuable information as an actual website would, these scammers will try to steal your login information or other personal information.

The Different Types of Scams

There are a few different types of scams out there, and you need to be aware of them if you’re ever on the receiving end of one. Here are four common scams and what to do if you get harassing phone calls:

1. The “419” scam. This scam is based on the premise that someone has a valuable item that they want to sell, but they need some money upfront to cover transport and other costs. They’ll often contact potential buyers through emails or text messages, claiming to be in a foreign country with limited internet access, to make it more difficult for security services to track them down. If you fall for this scam, you’ll likely be asked to send money before receiving anything in return – don’t let yourself be scammed!

2. The ” Nigerian Prince ” scam. This type of scam sees people being contacted by people who claim to be royalty from a far-away country, asking for large sums of money in exchange for financial assistance or help with obtaining visas. Be very suspicious of anyone asking for money like this – chances are they’re not actually from Nigeria, and they may be looking to take your money without providing any real benefits.

3. The ” romance fraud ” scam. This type of scam sees people being contacted by someone they believe is a romantic interest – either online or in person – only for them to reveal they’re true intentions once they’ve got your trust. Be very cautious about getting involved with anyone

How to Avoid Being Scammed

There are some common scams that people may fall victim to. Here are a few tips to help you avoid them:

-Never give out your personal information, like your social security number or bank account numbers, over the phone.
-Don’t wire money or withdraw funds from your bank account without first consulting with a financial advisor.
-Stay alert to unsolicited emails and calls that seem too good to be true. Be suspicious if someone asks for credit card information or other sensitive personal information in an unsolicited email or call.
-If something seems too good to be true, it probably is! Don’t take any chances – don’t hand over any money until you’ve talked to a trusted adult about the situation.


It’s tough enough trying to avoid scams without having to worry about scammers using some sneaky tactics to get your number. Here are six common scam tactics and how you can avoid them: 1. Call unexpectedly – Don’t be lured into a conversation by a caller who seems friendly and interested in you, only to have them switch gears quickly and start asking for personal information or money. 2. Use high-pressure sales tactics – If the caller insists that you need their product or service right away, it’s probably because they’re looking for ways to pressure you into buying something you may not need. 3. Fake romantic interest – Some scammers use fake romantic interests as a way of getting your personal information or money before meeting in person. Be suspicious if someone starts talking about marriage, babies, or other long-term commitments very soon after meeting you in person. 4. Use bogus emergency numbers – If the caller says they’re from police, firefighters, or some other emergency services agency, be sure to ask for their badge number or contact information so that you can verify that it is indeed an emergency call. 5. Claim to be from tech support – Many scam artists pose as representatives from companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc., to trick people into giving away sensitive information or authorizing unnecessary repairs/updates on their devices. Be especially wary of calls that claim to come from “tech support.” 6. Play innocent – Even if something does seem fishy about a call (like high-pressure sales tactics), don’t let yourself get defensive — just politely say no thanks and hang up! It’ll go a long way in preventing any future encounters with this type of scammer


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