877-311-5134: A Comprehensive Guide To Phone Scams


877-311-5134 If you’ve ever answered a call from someone claiming to be from the IRS or another official agency, then you know what a phone scam can be like. These calls are usually automated and trick you into giving away personal information or transferring money to a bogus account. Sadly, phone scams are on the rise and they’re becoming more sophisticated by the day. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to phone scams so that you can stay safe and protect yourself from these scammers. We also recommend downloading the Anti-Scam mobile app for extra protection.

What are phone scams?

It seems like every day we hear about another phone scam. So what are they and how can you avoid them? Phone scams are typically text messages or emails that try to trick you into giving up your personal information, transferring money to a fraudulent account, or placing an order with a bogus retailer. The most common scams involve people trying to sell you something or get your address so they can send you something illegal. These scams can be difficult to detect, so it’s important to be vigilant and never give out any personal information without first verifying the source. If something feels off, don’t do it! There are plenty of reputable businesses out there, and you don’t need to let a fake offer take your hard-earned money away from you.

How do they work?

There are a variety of phone scams out there, but the gist of them is that someone calls you pretending to be from your bank, credit card company, or some other entity and asks for your personal information. They might say they need to verify your account or ask for your password or security code. Don’t give them any information. If it’s a legitimate call from one of these entities, they’ll tell you how to get in touch with them. If it’s not a legitimate call, don’t answer it and report it to the authorities.

How to avoid them?

If you’re ever contacted by someone asking for personal financial information or for you to wire money, it’s important to remember that these types of scams are common and there are ways to avoid them.

One common scam is the phone scam, in which a caller poses as an official from a bank or other institution and requests that you send them money. The caller may also use threats or intimidation to try to get you to cooperate.

Another common scam is the online scam, in which criminals posing as trustworthy individuals offer high-value items for sale online. Once you’ve made a purchase, the scammers will demand payments that you cannot afford or refuse to deliver the goods.

Finally, be aware of any suspicious email messages or calls that request personal information such as your social security number or credit card number. If something feels too good to be true, it probably is!

How do scammers get your number?

Scammers get your number by asking you out, promising a job or sweepstakes prize, or luring you with an urgent message. The easiest way to avoid getting scammed is to never give out personal information without verifying the person who is requesting it. Here are some tips for avoiding phone scams:

-Never give out your full name, address, phone number, or email address over the phone.

-Never send money to someone you’ve met online or over the phone.

-If you receive a phone call that you don’t recognize, don’t answer it and don’t provide any personal information. Report the call to your local police department or FBI office.

The different types of phone scams

1. There are three main types of phone scams: telemarketing scams, advance-fee fraud schemes, and 419 scams.
2. Telemarketing scams are the most common type of scam, and they involve scammers pretending to be from a company or organization and trying to convince you to buy something or sign up for a service.
3. Advance-fee fraud schemes are similar to telemarketing scams but involve scammers asking for a fee before doing anything else.
4. 419 scams are named after the section of the Nigerian penal code that covers them, and they involve criminals convincing people to send them money or engage in other criminal activities to get what they want.

How to avoid phone scams

There are many ways to avoid phone scams, but the best way to protect yourself is to be aware of what to look for and what not to do. When calling a number you don’t know, do your research first and ask someone you trust for advice before making the call.

Never give out personal information such as your social security number or bank account number over the phone. If someone asks for this information, don’t provide it.

If you get a suspicious call, hang up and call your bank or credit card company immediately. Report any calls that you think maybe scams to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC has a website where you can learn more about how to identify and avoid phone scams.

How to Report a Phone Scam

If you’ve been the victim of a phone scam, there are certain steps you should take to get your money back and protect yourself in the future. Here are four tips:

1. Report the scam: If you’ve been scammed, the first thing you should do is report it to your local law enforcement agency and the Better Business Bureau. This will help authorities track down scammers and prevent others from being victimized.

2. Take pictures and records of the scammer: Make sure to take pictures or videos of the person who called you and any written information they left on your phone about the scam. This can be helpful if you need to file a police report or dispute the charge on your credit card statement.

3. Get a copy of your credit report: One of the best ways to protect yourself from scams is to get a copy of your credit report free each year from each of the three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—via annualcreditreport.com. Reviewing your reports can help identify any potential problems with your credit history that might make you more susceptible to scams in the future.

4. Educate yourself about scams: Stay informed about scams by reading online articles, watching videos, and listening to podcasts about them. This way, you’ll be better prepared if a scam comes up in your life.


In the era of cybercrime, it is more important than ever to be aware of phone scams. While they may not seem as dangerous as other types of online fraud, scammers know that people are often desperate and will do anything to get what they want. Here are eight common phone scams and how to avoid them.


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