Malta: Christmas & Midnight Mass


Malta, a small island country in the Mediterranean Sea, is home to a large Catholic population. Midnight Mass, or Christmas Eve Mass as it is known on Malta, is one of the most important events of the year for Malta’s Catholics.

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What is Christmas?

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and loved ones to get together and celebrate the holiday. It is also a time for exchanging gifts, eating special food, and spending time with those you care about. On Christmas Day, many people go to church to attend midnight mass. This service celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and it is an important part of the Christmas celebration in Malta.

How do the people of Malta celebrate Christmas?

In Malta, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. The main celebration takes place at midnight Mass, where people traditionally wear their best clothes and spend time with family and friends. There are also many festive events throughout the month of December, such as concerts, caroling, and gift-giving.

The Maltese People on the Island of Gozo

Christmas in Malta is a time for celebration. The island’s unique culture and history makes it a special place to celebrate the holiday season. Midnight Mass is one of the most important events on Christmas in Malta.

Most Maltese people celebrate Christmas by attending midnight mass at a local church. Families gather together to exchange gifts, eat traditional foods, and enjoy each other’s company. Gozo is especially known for its Christmas celebrations, which include carols sung by locals and visitors alike, festive lights lining the streets of Rabat, and a tree lit up in Ħamrun Park.

Malta’s capital city Valletta is also home to several festive traditions. One is Santa Claus’ arrival on December 10th. Children wait eagerly for him to arrive in his sleigh pulled by reindeer, and parents can often be found taking pictures of their children with Santa. Another tradition is Natal Day on December 24th, when families gather together to eat traditional foods and exchange gifts.

A look at our Catholic Heritage

Christmas is an important time for Catholics throughout the world. Malta has a long Catholic heritage, and Christmas is celebrated with traditional ceremonies and celebrations. On Christmas Day, Maltese families gather around the dinner table to share a festive meal. After dinner, many people attend Mass at midnight. Christmas Eve is also a busy day in Malta, as people go shopping or visit family and friends. On Christmas Day, many churches have special services scheduled. In Valletta, St John’s Co-Cathedral features a special midnight Mass. Some of the other churches that hold services on Christmas Day include Our Lady of Victories in Sliema, Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Gzira, Saint Paul’s Co-Cathedral in Birkirkara, and the Church of the Nativity in Mdina.

What is Midnight Mass?

Malta celebrates Christmas on December 24th, but there is a special Mass that happens at midnight. This Mass is called “Midnight Mass” and it is very popular in Malta. The mass is said in Latin and it commemorates the end of Jesus’s life on the cross. It is also said to be a time to reflect on Christ’s sacrifice and to ask for forgiveness.

The Liturgy in a Maltese Church

Mass in a Maltese church is celebrated according to the Roman Rite. Like other Catholic churches, the Mass is divided into three parts: the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Liturgy of Reconciliation. The Liturgy of the Word includes readings from scripture and prayers from saints. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is where Jesus is actually present and his body and blood are consecrated for us. After his death on the cross, Jesus was buried in a tomb, but he rose from the dead three days later. On Easter Sunday, his followers went to Galilee to see him rise from the dead. In celebration of this event, on Easter morning, Maltese Catholics celebrate an early Mass called Matins. After Matins, they go to church for services that continue until High Mass at 3 p.m.. At High Mass, there are several ceremonies that take place including the anointing of sick people with holy oil and communion on bread and wine (the most important part of Catholic worship). Throughout Lent, Palm Sunday through Easter Monday, there are five separate masses each day. On Holy Thursday evening there is a special service called Compline which marks the end of Lent.

Music in Maltese Churches

Malta has a rich musical heritage that is reflected in the churches throughout the country. Christmas and Midnight Mass are two of the most festive occasions in the Maltese calendar, and music is central to both events.

Christmas Masses traditionally start with an anthem or hymn sung by the choir, followed by readings from the Bible. The main part of the service is usually a sermon, after which there is usually a procession of churchmen bearing gifts to the children in attendance.

Midnight Mass is typically much more solemn than Christmas Mass, and features a longer sermon. Special hymns are often sung at this time, as well as prayers for the departed. After midnight, visitors are invited to join in singing Christmas carols outside of churches before returning home for breakfast.


Christmas is a time to be joyful and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve is a special way to commemorate this important event. The service begins at midnight and lasts until 1am, giving you plenty of time to rest before waking up to the new year. If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience that will make your holiday even more special, consider attending a Midnight Mass in Malta.


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